As a long experience in the sample, the environment and the energy efficiency is very closely related to each other. It is impossible to deny that the use unsustainable of natural resources negatively affects the environment. Today, human activities have led to harmful effects on the environment and conservation in modern conditions becomes the only hope for change for the better. The global scale of the transformation is achieved only when each person will begin with a careful and economic use of energy resources. And in the future the use of alternative energy sources, along with widespread conservation of energy will give the opportunity to a while avoiding their attitude towards nature.
Energy saving

Active operation and development in quite a good pace industrial and energy companies leads to a number of environmental issues and energy efficiency could, in part, contribute to its resolution. The adoption of a programme for the efficient use of resources at the state level was an important step towards the solution of the main tasks in the field of ecology. And energy saving is the most important component of this process. How productive will introduce energy-saving technologies, largely depends on the environmental condition. Thus, for problems of ecology and energy efficiency will apply the system approach, taking into account the proportional impact of environmental health of the region in all processes of the society.
Today, the great majority of countries committed to the protection of the environment and energy saving is not the only way to achieve the desired result. A priority in many countries, it is now considered as the use of renewable energy sources. These sources are more than affordable and safe in the use of sources of traditional energy. The most popular and used sources of alternative energy are solar panels, generators, wind energy, and turbine installation. The power of the energy are not a great bottom for a fact widely known and used sources of energy resources, and sometimes exceed, in various settings, but the efficiency is much higher. According to experts, the renewable energy potential is phenomenal, they do not cause harmful effects on the environment and the conservation of energy in the case of a complete transition to alternative energies is, in part, has lost its relevance. But the most optimistic forecasts of the promise of a full transition to alternative energy sources not earlier than in 30-40 years, while the use of traditional sources, this damages the ecology and energy saving in the literal sense, it is vital to the existence of humanity.
Environmental issues and energy conservation are considered in all programmes of regional energy development, where one of the main priorities is the preservation of the environment and the conservation of energy are given priority. An integrated approach to environment and energy saving will all get their pros. The ordinary citizen will be less to pay the bills for consumed energy and industrial companies, as giant and small, and to reduce the cost of the final product and the amount of expenses in the production process. The amount saved thanks to the rational use of energy resources, the state can steer the development of the economy and the social sphere, and the most important – the nature of a bit of a break from the continuous human impact.